June 16, 2022 Community Chat: Consumer Portal New Features and FAQ, Revision Suggestion Changes, Credit Reporting Changes and CA DFPI

June 16, 2022 Community Chat: Consumer Portal New Features and FAQ, Revision Suggestion Changes, Credit Reporting Changes and CA DFPI

Watch the June 2022 Chat

Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 11:30 AM MT
DAKCS Team: Ashlee Hyden, Mike Goodell, and Andy Shumway

Items We Covered

  • Recap last month

  • The portal now has the added items for your consumer portal experience: 

    • Added new white-labeled landing page experience

    • New sign-in process

    • Extended the payment link expiration time to seven (7) days

  • Sunsetting Legacy Portal as of August 30, 2022 

  • Focus Group Recap that included:

    • Credit Reporting Changes and Questions to the Bureau

    • QwikFlow and Support of Multiple IDs

    • CA DFPI and the comment period 

    • Latest Beyond Build 2.15

  • Revision Suggestion Process Changes

  • Q & A

  • Spotlights

Recap of the Chat

We covered a lot!! This month we quickly brushed through a number of projects we've been working on with a few video clips to share. We recapped May’s chat about the new Consumer Portal which you can watch here and added the reminder about the sunsetting of the legacy web payment portal (Qwikfund) with support ending for this product on Aug 30, 2022.  Mike Goodell with the DAKCS Product Team spoke about an updated application of the Consumer Portal with some awesome changes! Take a look at the demo site.

Thank you for your continued involvement in making this a great product. There were a number of questions that came up and much was covered between minutes 5:00 and 16:00 during the chat so check it out! Our team also provided the May Chat Transcript, and our recently created FAQ section on DAKCS.com.

A #ShareTheGood moment was brought up by Kelly O’Brien with Pacific Credit Services as she talked about Text Messages and Payments. She highlighted an awesome contest for her collectors to provide the text message option to consumers and added $.50/text sent out for some collector motivation. In one collector's text messages, 80% of those sent resulted in payment! Take a listen to Minutes 16:30! 

There was a highlight of the June 8th Focus Group where we discussed upcoming Credit Reporting Changes happening July 1, 2022, at Minutes 4:00 to 24:00 and beginning at Minutes 24:30 to 32:00, we discussed the CA DFPI and Comment Period is open until July 5. We highly recommend you take a listen.

An announcement was made that Beyond Build 2.15 is available now! You can view the release notes and schedule an update with Julie Newson by email at julie@dakcs.com
We finished the chat with some Q & A and shared spotlights to keep you updated with the latest from DAKCS. If you missed the chat, we hope you will give it a watch! 

Revision Suggestion Form and Process Change

Consumer Portal New Features and Legacy Sunset

If you’d like to learn more about the new Consumer Portal,  Reid and Mike are available to help. You can request some time to chat here


Take the survey

We appreciate everyone's participation in these chats. As you know these events continue to be different each month and we welcome your feedback on what to cover and discuss. Give your feedback.

Contact Info

These chats are intended to provide an opportunity to ask any questions you have and to let us know how we can help. If you have additional ideas for future chats, please email Ashlee Hyden at ashlee@dakcs.com.

Feel free to reach out to Support by submitting a Support Ticket. Stay in the customer portal to find out the latest Maintenance Dates and Beyond Release Notes.