March 24, 2022 Community Chat: QwikDial Integrated Features and Balto Highlight

March 24, 2022 Community Chat: QwikDial Integrated Features and Balto Highlight

Watch the March 2022 Chat

Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 11:30 AM MT
DAKCS Team: Ashlee Hyden, Scott Pizzello, and Julie Newson
Speakers: JW Blair with Online Information Services and Destiny Sayers with AMR

During the March Community Chat, we covered a variety of topics including a recap of the January chat where Reid Miller showed a Product Highlight of our new Consumer Portal, and February's chat where we highlighted QwikFlow - Flow Technology in Beyond ARM. During March's chat, we showed some short videos of QwikDial with features like IVR, Click-to-Call, and more. The rest are shared in the Training Gym KB in the portal and found here.

We discussed the integration with Balto and how that tool has been applied to improve Compliance. We heard from customers, JW Blair with Online Information Services in North Carolina and Destiny with AMR in Oklahoma. Thank you to both JW and Destiny for their insights. 

We quickly chatted about upcoming Credit Reporting changes and the latest Beyond Build available. We finished the chat with some Q & A and spotlights to keep you updated with the latest from DAKCS.   


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These chats are intended to provide an opportunity to ask any questions you have and to let us know how we can help. If you have additional ideas for future chats, please email Ashlee Hyden at

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