Let talk about The Manager

Let talk about The Manager

There are a few different ways in the DAKCS system to identify accounts with user specified criteria like Advanced Inquiry or DAKCS Query. One other method is The Manager. In this article, we will walk through each prompt and perform a basic manager run and perform additional processing on our results. THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE for the purpose of familiarizing users with the options available to them in this process and would likely cause problems if run as is in your system. The Manager can be accessed from STING or BEYOND in the same menu location. This article will access The Manager from BEYOND. 

From the Main Menu click SUPERVISORS then THE MANAGER

We will select the first option: Summary Printout. This will output total amounts for the records we qualify rather than detailed information about each account and debtor.  

We will receive a prompt that asks: CHANGING COLLECTORS? (Y/N). Just above the Y/N prompt you will see a note:

This is asking if you would like to exclude the listed status codes by default or if you would like to qualify them in your query. Answering Y will allow accounts
with the listed status codes to qualify for your query. Answering N will exclude accounts with those status codes from your query results.  In this example we will answer 
Y to include all codes. 

The next prompt asks what we would like the manager to do if an account qualifies in our query. There are two options:
      (I)ndividual - If an account qualifies, only pull that individual account into your results. 
      (A)LL - If an account is qualified, pull all accounts for that debtor into your results. 

You may need to use each of these options depending on the scenario. In this example we will select (A)LL. 

The next prompt asks for a starting TYPE CODE. You can use type codes 1-9 to qualify accounts. This prompt, as well as others
in The Manager, asks for a starting and ending value or 'range'. In order to select individual values you can enter a range of a single value:

In this example we will press return for ALL. We will get a prompt to verify that the select types codes are correct. Answer Y.

The next prompt is asking for a starting COLLECTOR CODE. The same rules apply here for selecting value ranges: You can select 
multiple ranges of one or many. In this example we will press RETURN to select ALL collector codes. 

We will get a prompt asking for a starting CLIENT NUMBER. The same rules apply here for selecting value ranges. We will
press RETURN to select ALL client numbers. 

We will get a prompt asking for a starting status code range. The same rules apply here for selecting value ranges. We will
press RETURN to select ALL status codes. We will get a prompt warning to verify that we indeed meant to say Y to 'Change Collector
Codes' and that we wanted all status codes. The concern here is that so far, we are qualifying everything in the system. We will
answer Y to continue since there are more criteria to enter. 

The next prompt is asking for a minimum balance to qualify. If you enter a value here, accounts with balances greater than
or equal to the value entered may qualify. We will press RETURN for ALL balances. 

The next prompt  is asking for an ALPHA NAME RANGE. You can qualify accounts based on the first 3 characters of their last name.
As an example, if we entered a starting range of AAA and an ending range of BZZ, we could further restrict our results to debtors
with a last names that start with AAA-BZZ. For this example select RETURN for ALL. 

The next prompt asks for a date range or by number of days in the past. 

Select R for Range gives you a few options:
      Referral - The Date of Referral on the account
      Service - The Date of Service on the account
      Last Activity - The Date of Referral or the Date of Last Payment, whichever is most recent. 
      Last Payment - The Date of Last Payment on the account. 

Select R for Date of Referral. We will get a prompt asking 'If any one account under a single master is 
not in the date range specified, do you want to skip all accounts under that master?'. Answer N for No.

You will get a prompt asking for a starting date and ending date. In this example I will search for 062519 - 062519 
to only qualify accounts entered into my system on that single date.  Enter D for DONE and Y to confirm that the date 
ranges are correct. 

You will get a prompt asking for a starting JACKDATE. Hit RETURN for ALL 

You will see (A)LL, (P)HONE, OR (N)O PHONE ONLY. This will allow you to restrict your search by phone. 
Select (A)LL to qualify all numbers. 

You will get a prompt asking to qualify  (A)LL, (G)OOD ADDRESS ONLY, OR (B)AD ADDRESS ONLY. We want ALL.

There will be a prompt for  STARTING STATE ZIP. You can use this criteria to restrict by state and zip code. 
In this example we will hit RETURN for ALL. 

The next prompt will ask THIS REPORT IS PREPARED FOR. This lets you put the name 
of a recipient on the header of the report. Select RETURN for the default value which is
your agencies name. 

The next prompt will allow you to manipulate the sort order of the records you qualify
We will stick with the default of 1.COMBINED, A.NO DATE SORT, 1.ALPHA NAME (1A1) and hit RETURN.

We will get a print prompt. Select (F)ILE and name it MANAGER_TEST. Select 5 for TXT. This will out 
put a text file with the name MANAGER_TEST to the tapefiles directory on your server

Answer N to SAVE AS MACRO?

Your query will begin to find accounts using the criteria we selected. In this example we only found 12 accounts.
Once it is done searching you will get a print prompt that will output a report of all the conditions we selected.
Send it to a test file named MANAGER_TEST2 to tapefiles:

You will see another print prompt. Output to a test file named MANAGER_TEST3 to tapefiles. Since we
selected a SUMMARY PRINTOUT, it will show information about the accounts that qualified in a very brief form:


A menu of changes to make will appear. Select ST for STATUS CODE

In this example, PNB will be the new code. RETURN shows a prompt that THE KEYBOARD WILL BE LOCKED -- PRESS RETURN
They system will begin changing the status code to PNB for all accounts that you qualified. Once it is done, the CHANGE UTILITY
menu will appear. 

Hit RETURN then option 10 to EXIT THE MANGER. 

Accounts before:

Accounts after:

Complete Documentation of The Manger is attached to this article. As always, if there are questions DAKCS support is here to help. 

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