August 18, 2022 Community Chat: STIR/SHAKEN, QwikDial Inbound Strategy, Support Show & Tell on Daily/Trusts, reports, and rerunning checks

August 18, 2022 Community Chat: STIR/SHAKEN, QwikDial Inbound Strategy, Support Show & Tell on Daily/Trusts, reports, and rerunning checks

Watch the August 2022 Chat

Thursday, August 18, 2022, at Noon MT
DAKCS Team: Ashlee Hyden, Scott Pizzello, Justin Devine, and Colin Pytlick 

This month we recapped July’s chat, while Justin Devine discussed the difference between STIR/SHAKEN and number labeling, along with a highlight from Kelly O'Brien on what she is doing in her office when it comes to inbound dialing, using Agent Station for remote agents, and IVR during off-hours to better improve consumer communications. 

Colin Pytlik with our Support team joined us to talk about some helpful steps you can take around Daily - Trust reports and rerunning checks, and he offered up a few ways you can improve those processes. He touched on a few commonly asked questions about this topic that have come up recently in support.

Plus an exciting announcement around our SST (Software Strength Training) Series that will be offered this fall with the first one happening Sept 22! We finished the chat with some Q&A and spotlights and the upcoming September events.

Wed, Sept 14 - Beyond Focus Group at 11:00 AM MT
Thur, Sept 15 - Community Chat at Noon MT
Thur, Sept 22 - WILL BE RESCHEDULED FOR OCT 13. Reserve the date for Software Strength Training (SST) on Action Maintenance & Designer (registration coming soon)

Chat Recording & Slide Deck


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These chats are intended to provide an opportunity to ask any questions you have and to let us know how we can help. If you have additional ideas for future chats, please email Ashlee Hyden at

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