Beyond: Action Maintenance

Beyond: Action Maintenance

An action is a collection of events which the system uses to automatically update data in the system. The actions are customizable to the needs and demands of the agency. Creating and maintaining specific and precise actions will improve automation and simplify an agency's day-to-day operations.

Action Maintenance Breakdown

Action Maintenance is located in the Main Menu under System Administration. Clicking the menu item will bring up the Action Maintenance tab, with the following sub-tabs:

Action Designer

The Action Designer allows you to create and edit the events which make up the action. Creating actions is accomplished by dragging customizable events from a list onto the workspace, defining the event properties, and connecting events in the desired order. See Action_Designer for more information on creating actions.

Action Trigger Setup

Actions can be "triggered" by system events, such as a tape drop or a new business entry. The Action Trigger Setup assigns an action to a system event for a client, which will run for all of that client's accounts. See Action_Trigger_Setup.

Action Queue Maintenance

The Action Queue Maintenance shows you all the scheduled actions that have not been run because the scheduled time has not yet occurred or because they had some kind of error. The maintenance tools allows you to view, delete, or force run any of the queued scheduled actions. See Action_Queue_Maintenance.

Jackdate Pull Errors

When jackdate driven actions are triggered, they go into a pull or jackdate queue where they are held until executed during the nightly process. The Jackdate Pull Errors allows you to view, delete, modify or force run any of the queued jackdate driven actions. See Jackdate Pull Status.

Action System Generation

Options for System Generation. This tab sets the default action on the action line in the collector work flow. See Action System Generation.

Note: A tab with a symbol indicates that the tab contains an automated action that didn't complete.

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